What to Expect

class descriptions

The Party

A high energy creative vinyasa practice guided by breath, and curated to inspire freedom to explore. Practice is dynamic, transformative, and challenging, though suitable for every level. Expect volleys of free flow as sequencing builds utilizing both front and back of the mat, where yogis can either rinse & repeat, or move however they feel inspired! All playlists available on Meredith’s Spotify.

Slow & Grounded

Practice will move through a slow vinyasa from both front and back of the mat, with volleys of free flow. Ideally a dimly lit, or eyes closed practice to encourage introspection. Slowburn features groovy grumbling tunes, and mostly close to the ground shapes. 

The Hybrid

Practice begins with Sun As and Extended Sun Bs with room to free flow, and select led postures from the Primary Series for a "remixed" version of a Short Form Ashtanga practice! Expect a more “workshoppy” feeling practice, with more room for anatomy and space to tinker with the postures. Music accompanies A’s and B’s for free flow; and resurfaces again near the end of practice for yin.

Quiet, but Edgy

Practice encourages deep work of both body and mind, by learning to soften completely. Yin yoga consists of passively held floor based postures, marinating for longer periods of time promoting healthy connective tissue. While the body softens, the mind focuses on the meditative experience. Simultaneously relaxing and edgy, music leapfrogs from the ethereal to absent entirely.


Working with anapana meditation, the sit begins with a short introduction to technique pairing attention with breath. Depending on the length of sit, plenty of space and silence to observe is offered, and closes with a few moments of metta meditation to share the good vibes.